Easter Style

Easter Sunday is one of my favorite days of the year. It's a simple holiday focused on something so precious, it's springtime- the flowers and sunshine make me feel so light, and there's that holiday feeling in the air that I can't get enough of. Add the fact that everyone tries to look their springtime best and you've got one happy girl over here!

I've been dying to wear this beautiful

flower crown from Miss Stevi Marie

. She seriously makes the most beautiful accessories, check her out on




and you will see what I mean. I had been saving mine for this special day and all of the blossoms on the trees. I paired it with this vintage dress that I wore for my sister's wedding and I loved the pastel combo. Easter Sunday, a vintage dress, and flowers on my head? I don't think the day could have gotten much better.

flower crown c/o-

miss stevi marie

dress- vintage (found by my sister on ebay)


michael kors


steve madden



I hope you all had a lovely weekend, as well! I'd love to see your Easter Style, craft, or general Easter weekend posts, feel free to link them up below...

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P.S. There is a special post series happening this week called "

The Women Project

" started by

J from My Life In Lavender

. My post will be up on Saturday, but check out

Jessi's post

today and see which woman in history she chose to draw inspiration from.