You Are Worthy

I have come a long way over the past two years; I've grown spiritually and mentally and love the place I am in right now. I've come to understand and love myself, I can see my real worth and that my value is not measured by my height, weight, facial features, job, education, or social status. My worth is so much deeper than that. I am a divine being, I have potential beyond anything I could imagine, and progress is something that is never-ending.

This realization makes life so much simpler and beautiful, and it breaks my heart to see other people struggling to understand their own worth. We live in a world where we allow other people to measure our worth for us. We fill the our holes with people that satisfy our need for acceptance- for a moment, with substances that will leave us needing more rather than appeasing the craving. We fill our holes with anger, fear of the future, and assumptions that others are judging us. But what other people think, whether they are judging us or not, doesn't matter in the slightest. If we can learn to love and accept ourselves and be confident in who we are, where we came from, and where we are going, then we can begin to see ourselves and others as we truly are- Divine Beings created in the image of a loving Father with potential that reaches much further than our mortal minds can imagine.



jeans- c/o




sam edelman

crystal necklace- c/o

the land of salt

branch necklace-

ann taylor


rings- c/o

fifth & mae



, &


I know those are some deep thoughts for an outfit post, but they seemed to be what I needed to share. No matter your color, background, nationality, or religious standing, know that you are of greater worth than you can even comprehend. You matter, you are necessary, you are loved- and you are worthy of that love.

StyleGentriFashion4 Comments