5 Tips To Get Active

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, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #pmgdove #DovePartner #EssentialUpgrade


I have always loved being active, but I sometimes struggle with consistency (ok, fine. a lot of the time). But there are certain things that help me feel more motivated than others. Today I’ve partnered with Dove to tell you all about their

Dove Advanced Care Antiperspirant

and how it makes my list of top 5 favorite tips to help keep my motivation moving.

Tip 1: Invest in new workout gear and tools

Wearing a new item of workout clothing or using new workout gear always helps me feel motivated and keeps things interesting. It's also fun and worthwhile to invest in activities that do your body good.

Tip 2: Find a place where you feel at peace

I like to workout at home because I do not like going to a gym. I feel at peace and happy when I'm home and know that it makes a difference in my workouts. If that place, for you, is the gym, then be sure to head there as often as possible. Wherever it is, find a spot that makes you feel at peace and instills in you a desire to be the best "you" you can be.

Step 3: Take the steps to make yourself feel beautiful WHILE you work out

Now, I'm not saying to wear a full face of makeup or anything, because I think that is unnecessary. But rather, Take the time and money to invest in products that make you feel beautiful in your own skin. Find a skincare line that helps you feel confident in who you are, underneath the makeup. Come up with some fun hairstyles that give you a pep in your step. Go the extra mile to take care of yourself.

Tip 4: Find the workouts that work for you, not against you

There's nothing worse, when it comes to physical fitness, than feeling forced into a box of something you dread doing. Luckily, there really is a workout for everyone. Whether it's a walk around the block, weight lifting, or the latest dance craze. There is sure to be something out there that will drive you to get off the couch and get your blood pumping, you just have to figure out what it is.

Tip 5: Invest in fun new beauty products to enhance your workout

Deodorant is one product that most women depend on to help them feeling most confident, all day long. Not only does Dove Advanced Care offer 48 hours of odor and wetness protection, but it also has the added benefit of its NutriumMoisture formula that leaves your underarms feeling soft and smooth. This makes it an essential upgrade to your daily beauty routine just in time for the warmer weather.

Did you know that Deodorant is so important, that when women have forgotten to put it on, 

49% went back home, 67% distance themselves from others, and 87% feel self-conscious? Also, women want more from their deodorant. 88% of women would prefer a deodorant that provides skincare benefits in addition to odor and wetness protection. Dove Advanced Care does all of that!

I hope that these tips have helped, in some small way, to motivate you to move. Just be sure to find what it is that to motivates you, then invest in it and yourself. Soon, you'll find within you a bigger desire to get moving.