Traveling Europe // Edinburgh, Scotland

As wonderful as Ireland was, I was so looking forward to having a fresh start in a new country. I only had two days in Scotland which meant that I needed to soak it all in as quickly as possible. The first morning was spent at church, followed by one of the best meals I had my entire trip. The organic/gluten free/vegan restaurant where I had lunch was incredible! If you're ever in Edinburgh, Scotland, you must try Moon & Hare's vegan tacos with the coconut bacon.

After lunch, my friend and I spent the rest of our day walking around the royal mile. We really lucked out with our timing, because that one weekend we were in Scotland happened to be the weekend of their annual festival. There were markets, bands, and street performers of every kind. One of my favorite moments was when we came across the band - The Jacobites - and made our way to the front of the crowd as they performed. Everyone was clapping and stomping along to the beat, when a few kids and an older gentleman couldn't help but dance as the crowd cheered. I so badly wanted to join in, but I chickened out - a decision I sorely regret.

I don't know if it was the festival or just Edinburgh itself, but I've never seen such a lively and happy city! Everywhere we went there was some exciting moment happening. From the bearded man on the motorcycle with his goldendoodle (who was wearing goggles) in the sidecar filled with flowers, to the castle view in the park with the fountain, carousel, and gelato - Edinburgh has a huge piece of my heart.

For your listening/viewing pleasure... The Jacobites

Scotland was one of those countries that I had always wished to visit, but for whatever reason, it wasn't at the top of my list. However, after visiting 11 countries in one trip, I can now say that it was one of my very favorites! If you are contemplating a trip to Scotland - just do it.