Mount Field National Park, Lake St Clair, & Pine Lake in Tasmania

Read Pt. 1 // Pt. 2 // Pt. 3 // Pt. 4 // Pt. 5 // Pt. 6 // Pt. 7 // Pt. 8 // Pt. 9 // Pt. 10 // Pt. 11 // Pt. 12

Our ninth day in Tasmania was scheduled to be a long one. We had a far drive ahead of us, with a list of things we wanted to see, along the way. First up was Mount Field National Park where we were going to take a waterfall walk. Along the walk, we passed by Russell Falls, Horseshoe Falls, and a portion of the Tall Trees Walk. This trail includes a couple other waterfalls, but with such a long drive to come, we just didn’t have the time to see them all.

Russell and Horseshoe Falls were both gorgeous sights to see, and I definitely took my sweet time, trying to capture the perfect photo. The Tall Trees Walk winds through a forest of Gum Trees, which are among the tallest in Australia, and I believe one of the tallest in the world, second only to the Redwoods. This trail in Mount Field National Park was definitely worthy of our time and effort and included some of my favorite sites in Tasmania.

Next up, we made a stop at Lake St Clair, where we walked the Platypus Bay trail, in hopes of finding some Platypuses. While we were unsuccessful in our search, we did come across the cutest, little Echidna, who didn’t seem to mind us, at all. He went about his business, searching for his lunch, allowing us to snap photos and take some videos, as he worked.

Our last stop of the day was at Pine Lake. This was an unscheduled stop, but one that I couldn’t resist, once I saw it. (We were each allowed to choose one stop for the day, and this ended up being mine.) We were the only ones at this stop, and I’m not sure I even saw another car drive by. While we hadn’t seen this lake on any tourist sites or maps, it was definitely a highlight for me, as the lesser known/unexpected stops usually are. The land surrounding the lake was covered in wildflowers, and the water was crystal clear. (Check out more photos HERE.)

We rolled into our last Airbnb of the trip just before sunset, excited for what the next two days would hold…