The Grand Tetons Road Trip Pt. 1

Last year, over the 4th of July weekend, my friends Raquel, Sarah, and I decided to take a road trip up to Grand Teton National Park. I had only ever driven past the Tetons, admiring their beauty from a distance. So needless to say, I was extremely excited to finally spend some time exploring this beautiful park. 

We arrived in the afternoon, setup camp, then spent some time walking around Colter Bay. Along our walk, we found a beautiful pond which inspired us to dance to the music of swan lake. Why? I can't remember the exact reason; but it must have been the epic scenery, prompting us to frolic through the foliage.

Before we found a good spot to take in the sunset, we decided to head back to camp and cook up some dinner. We kept it simple and classic, with hot dogs and s'mores, but ventured out with some campfire popcorn - just because!